Approx. $30 MillionClarendon Elementary School
- New Playground - COMPLETED
- Relocate Volleyball Court to Center Basketball Court
- Roofing
- Audio/Video for Stage and Lobby
- New Marquee
- Phone System Update
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Encanto Elementary School
- Add Play Structures and Expand Playground
- Roofing
- Weatherization
- Audio/Video for Stage and Lobby
- New Marquee
- Phone System Update
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Longview Elementary School
- Replace Existing Domestic HW Loop
- Replace Boiler
- Replace Existing Elevator
- Audio/Video for Stage, Lobby, and Gym
- New Marquee
- Phone System Update
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Montecito Community School
- Interior Classroom Reconfigurations and Improvements to Meet District Standards
- Replace Elevator
- Replace Roof
- Parking Lot Renovation
- Screening Along 7th Street
- Develop Outdoor Learning Area
- Replace HVAC Equipment (Including DDC controls for BMS integration)
- Kitchen Upgrades (including fire suppression at hood)
Osborn Middle School
- 3-Way Valves Integrated Into Chiller System
- New Heat Exchanger
- Replace One Chiller System
- Roofing
- Audio/Video for Stage and Lobby
- New Marquee
- Phone System Upgrade
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Solano Elementary School
- Replace 60 R22 Rooftop Units
- Replace Roofing at Flat Roof Areas
- Special Education Restroom Renovation
- Solano STRIVE Playground Expansion - COMPLETED
- Solano Restroom Renovation - COMPLETED
- Solano Site Circulation Improvements - COMPLETED
- Audio/Video for Stage and Lobby
- New Marquee
- Phone System Upgrade
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Approx. $35 MillionClarendon Elementary School
- Shade Structures (Asphalt area on south side by playground and basketball courts)
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Encanto Elementary School
- Paint School
- Shade Structures (South field and cafeteria entrance)
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Longview Elementary School
- Expand Kindergarten Playground
- Mechanical Room Lighting
- Heat Strips (To move away from boiler)
- Shade Structures (At gate by ball field)
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Montecito Community School
Osborn Middle School
- Band & Music Room Renovation
- Art Room Renovation/Expansion
- Wood Shop Conversion to Maker Space
- Shade Structures
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Solano Elementary School
- Cafeteria Renovation (Eating space and kitchen items)
- Drop-off/Missouri Walking Link
- Drop-off Asphalt Replacement
- Anticipated Enrollment Increase/Campus Growth
- Shade Structures
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Approx. $30 MillionClarendon Elementary School
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Encanto Elementary School
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Longview Elementary School
- Replace Existing Metal Roofing
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Montecito Community School
Osborn Middle School
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Solano Elementary School
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Approx. $5 MillionComing Soon!

Phase 1
- New Playground - COMPLETED
- Relocate Volleyball Court to Center Basketball Court
- Roofing
- Audio/Video for Stage and Lobby
- New Marquee
- Phone System Update
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 2
- Shade Structures (Asphalt area on south side by playground and basketball courts)
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 3
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 4 - Coming Soon!
Phase 1
- Add Play Structures and Expand Playground
- Roofing
- Weatherization
- Audio/Video for Stage and Lobby
- New Marquee
- Phone System Update
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 2
- Paint School
- Shade Structures (South field and cafeteria entrance)
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 3
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 4 - Coming Soon!
Phase 1
- Replace Existing Domestic HW Loop
- Replace Boiler
- Replace Existing Elevator
- Audio/Video for Stage, Lobby, and Gym
- New Marquee
- Phone System Update
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 2
- Expand Kindergarten Playground
- Mechanical Room Lighting
- Heat Strips (To move away from boiler)
- Shade Structures (At gate by ball field)
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 3
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 4 - Coming Soon!
Phase 1
- Interior Classroom Reconfigurations and Improvements to Meet District Standards
- Replace Elevator
- Replace Roof
- Parking Lot Renovation
- Screening Along 7th Street
- Develop Outdoor Learning Area
- Replace HVAC Equipment (Including DDC controls for BMS integration)
- Kitchen Upgrades (including fire suppression at hood)
Phase 2 - Coming Soon!
Phase 3 - Coming Soon!
Phase 4 - Coming Soon!
Phase 1
- 3-Way Valves Integrated Into Chiller System
- New Heat Exchanger
- Replace One Chiller System
- Roofing
- Audio/Video for Stage and Lobby
- New Marquee
- Phone System Upgrade
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 2
- Band & Music Room Renovation
- Art Room Renovation/Expansion
- Wood Shop Conversion to Maker Space
- Shade Structures
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 3
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 4 - Coming Soon!
Phase 1
- Replace 60 R22 Rooftop Units
- Replace Roofing at Flat Roof Areas
- Special Education Restroom Renovation
- Solano STRIVE Playground Expansion - COMPLETED
- Solano Restroom Renovation - COMPLETED
- Solano Site Circulation Improvements - COMPLETED
- Audio/Video for Stage and Lobby
- New Marquee
- Phone System Upgrade
- Install Lining in All Sani-Sewer Pipes
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 2
- Cafeteria Renovation (Eating space and kitchen items)
- Drop-off/Missouri Walking Link
- Drop-off Asphalt Replacement
- Anticipated Enrollment Increase/Campus Growth
- Shade Structures
- Flexible Classroom Furnishings
- Outdoor Learning Areas
- General Classroom Reconfigurations
- Security Camera and Intercom Improvements
- Update Kitchen Equipment
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 3
- Examine/Recommission Primary Electrical Equipment
- Lifecycle Projects (Carpet, paint, etc.)
Phase 4 - Coming Soon!
Full District Projects
Monthly Bond Updates (Governing Board Presentations)
Annual Bond Reports