• Language Acquisition Department

    The Osborn School district provides quality instruction and learning opportunities for all children. Our students represent over 40 countries and more than 30 different languages.

    Language Acquisition Department Contacts

    Monica Artea - Language Acquisition Curriculum Specialist 602-707-2019

    Amber Stevens - Native American Education Specialist 602-707-2200

    Valerie Escarcega - Encanto ELL Parapro - 602-707-2300

    Martha Corral - Solano ELL Parapro - 602-707-2600

    Juanita Stubbs - Longview ELL Parapro - 602-707-2700 & Montecito 

    Osborn Middle School ELL Parapro - 602-707-2400, Clarendon ELL Parapro - 602-707-2200, & iSchool ELL Parapro - 602-707-2047 

    Interpretation Requests

    If you are an Osborn School employee and would like to schedule a interpretation for a parents' meeting or other school meeting, please fill out the interpretation Request Form 2 weeks prior to the date needed.