• Teacher Resources

    Planting Calendar

    Planting Calendar


    Word DOC : /files/user/219/file/GARDEN%20Calendar%20OSD(1).docx

    See attached Planting Guides for depth and spacing: 

    Lesson links:

    FOODCORPS Lessons, linked to standards. See attached document or email [email protected].

    Nourish Interactive – nutrition games and  worksheets
    Pure Food Kids- nutrition posters and videos
    Yard and Garden Guru

    Arizona Farm Bureau- Ag in the classroom- agriculture lesson plans, games and videos

    National Ag in the Classroom- Teachers- agriculture lesson plans
    National Ag in the Classroom –Kids Zone- games and worksheets
    Dairy Council- Arizona Milk Producers- lesson plans and worksheets
    Arizona Beef Council- lesson plans and worksheets
    U of A Cooperative Extension- Agricultural Literacy Program- lesson plans and worksheets
    Champions for Change- Arizona Nutrition Network- nutrition games, videos and worksheets
    Maricopa County Public Health- nutrition, gardening and physical activity lessons and games
    MyPlate- lessons, games, worksheets
    Edible Schoolyard- nutrition and gardening lesson plans


    How Does It Grow?
    America Revealed: Food Machine
    What's In It?

    Field Trips and Presentations:

    The Phoenix Zoo – Fruit and Vegetable Learning Garden

    The zoo’s Fruit and Veggie garden is an interactive learning experience, complete with hands-on activities emphasizing local agriculture. Visitors may explore planters and flood irrigation, visit the worm station, test their knowledge in the herb garden and learn about the impact of agriculture on the state of Arizona.  Contact Rebecca Zandarski at wwww.phoenixzoo.org or call 602-286-3881

    Maricopa Agricultural Center--Ag-Ventures Program

    The MAC Farm Ag-Ventures educational programs  include a combination of videos, educational presenters, hands-on learning experiences and tractor-trailer rides around our 2,200 acre farm for a close-up view of what makes a working farm operate. Our philosophy is for students to learn and to have a fun time learning about the source of our food and fiber. Contact: Victor Jimenez, [email protected]

    Agricultural Literacy-Farm Experience

    The Arizona National Livestock Show coordinates a Farm Experience area for students and the general public. This interactive area lets children experience agriculture through hands-on activities. Contact Arizona National at (602) 258-8568 about arranging a visit for your students during the Arizona National Livestock Show held annually at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. The Farm Experience is open December 29-31. Visit www.anls.org for more information about the event.

    Do you have students who need help with their lunch numbers? Teach them with a song!

    "Yellow Submarine"

    1-2-3-4-5 is what I punch

                    is what I punch

                    is what I punch

    1-2-3-4-5 to get my lunch

                    to get my lunch

                    to get my lunch 


    "Take Me Out..."

    Take me out for my lunchtime.

    Take me out for a break.

    Thanks for the balanced and healthy snacks.

    Veggies! Fruits! And then I’ll be back.


    Let me eat, eat, eat all my brain food,

    so to the top I can climb!

    I put 1-2-3-4-5

    every day at lunchtime!